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Ideas for RICOH TotalFlow BatchBuilder

Help us make RICOH TotalFlow BatchBuilder better for everyone!

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Please note that all ideas submitted become the property of Ricoh, LTD.


All ideas

Showing 23

Variable Custom Mark on Banner Sheet

New function of V2.4 can place the fixed images on banner sheet for each virtual printer. If user could choose custom mark by attribute name and value, variable mark could be placed for each value. For example, we can inform the post process to th...
over 3 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Ability for use output JMF over http to a Ricoh Fiery printer and get a list of virtual printers on the Fiery printer

Sending files to different virtual printers alllows for setting different attributes on the Fiery control printer like a Pro 7110, such as finishing that are not in the BatchBuilder job ticket.
over 3 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Automation Trigger by orders

A new automation trigger to automate when all parts of a order are available. As an example if the value is set to 1 order then when all parts of the order are ready a batch will automatically be sent to the correct outputs
over 3 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

When extracting properties from file name allow users to delete copies from naming convention

Today users have to have copies in their file name when they want BatchBuilder to extract the values and populate job properties for filtering. The customer would like to remove this setting when all their jobs are a copy of "1".
over 4 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

New preflight tab to show how many jobs are in queue to be preflighted

Today there could be many jobs waiting for preflight and the user has no easy way to identify which jobs are still to be processed. A new tab would allow for an easy way to identify these jobs
over 4 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Ability to prioritize jobs for preflight processing when submitted to BatchBuilder

Today when a customer submits many jobs to BatchBuilder the preflight process starts with the first job received. There is no way to prioritize which jobs should be moved to the front of the queue
over 4 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Ability to preflight a batch of jobs once they have already been submitted to BatchBuilder

When customers have a large amount of jobs that failed in preflight it would be ideal to multi-select these jobs and start the preflight process again vs having to do them one by one
over 4 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

New alert notification for when Preflight has completed

Customer wants a notification from BatchBuilder when a job has completed preflight. Today they have to log into BatchBuilder and search for the job to confirm. They want it to be automated so time is more efficiently spent
over 4 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Pass batch and job IDs from BatchBuilder to Ultimate for custom barcodes

Customers may not want to use the batch ticket or banner sheet but still want to have BB be the software that shows them status for each job. They would want to place a custom barcode on the printed sheet and scan the sheet with the same results a...
almost 5 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated

Multi-factor authentication

Some customers with strict security policies may require to setup multi-factor authentication for their users in order to user BatchBuilder
about 5 years ago in  0 Idea Being Evaluated